Wednesday 28 April 2021

Memories of Istanbul

 At the beginning of April, me and my grls gang have decided to go for a trip to Istanbul. 
Because, why not.

It was my very first time in this city which is not the capital of Turkey, guys! 

I remember us walking the streets and finding a nice cozy coffee place with a bench 
outside and the man next to us reading his book.
I remember the atmosphere of us sitting there and all these people passing by.
I remember the nice weather, the sun, the sea, the boats, the feeling of freedom and the joy.
That is probably what my memory of Istanbul will be. The feeling of freedom and joy.

Can we just talk about how I took a wrong ferry and my day plan totally changed?
Sometimes nice things happen when you do not expect them at all. 
Or sometimes we are just unable to see or recognize them because we think we are in a hurry
So. slow down, take a deep breath and enjoy the small moments that life gives you.

I also met my turkish friend Yunus, with whom I was a part of Darmasiswa program.
(check the program out, worth it!). 
Sometimes I do forget how nice and lovely it is to catch up on things with your friends. 
You never know how many new things you will discover and how 1 hour can turn into 4. :)

So, thank you Istanbul for treating me nicely. See you soon!


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