Sunday 18 April 2021

March, the best month so far.

I think so far March has been the best month of my volunteering project in Turkey. 
We had big hopes for the beginning of Spring. We were waiting so long for our 
freedom and we got it. Not for a long time though, just for a month, but still.. 
We tried to make the best out of it.
After a long hibernation period in winter, Turkey finally reopened a bit and let 
us live our lives and go out during the weekend. I swear to god, I hate all these 
lockdowns with passion. I would like to experience normal life in this country, 
ama maalesef, Covid-19 is still here with us. But let me tell you something, 
this short-term freedom really reminded me why I love this place and why I 
decided to go on with this project. 
I felt that so many things happened this month.When our government 
finally reopened the cafes, my friend Ieva and I decided that we will 
go out as much as possible and we won’t visit the same place twice. 
No more sitting at home. The weather is getting better and we’re fed up 
with sitting in four walls. When I’m telling you that I almost started to cry 
when I saw the smiling happy owners of our local cafés arranging their terraces 
for the customers,I’m telling you the truth. Spring gave us inspiration, energy
and reminded how beautiful life should be. I don’t care anymore about people 
calling Ankara a boring city. I just enjoy living here, I enjoy going out with 
my friends. And I really appreciate the remaining time I have with them.
Actually, our love for this city is growing.. we even got new piercing 
to remind us about our life in Turkey. Weird? Well, maybe. Cute? Absolutely. 
It made me really happy, as I realize even more the importance of this time 
in my life, how it changes me and highlights some different parts of my 
character. It’s really interesting. Going out together also helped us a lot 
to bond with other volunteers and become closer. 

Honestly, before all these lockdowns and restrictions I didn’t realize how important is to spent time together outside and have a normal conversation.  If you only live or work together it doesn’t make you close automatically,  can you imagine? Now we have our small “girl gang” and we’re having more fun! Don’t judge me for not telling you about volunteering activities, because ESC projects are not only about volunteering. It’s about experiencing a new country/culture as well. In our case it was quite hard to do it before.  We mostly spent time at the office or at home. But I would never regret about the time I spent here. Let’s see what other changes will bring us spring, we’re hoping only good things.  
See you soon!

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