Thursday, 29 February 2024

My First Month in Turkey

Hi everyone! My name is Arnas. I am from a small town called Širvintos, Lithuania. I'm volunteering in Ankara, Turkey for two months.

So far, my experience in Turkey has been amazing. This is my second time visiting another country, and I find it mind-blowing because of the stunning views in Ankara. When we were landing in Turkey, I saw mountains and fields from the plane window. It was so exciting—I wish you could have felt what I did! I’ve seen some mosques, and experiencing the new culture and religion here has been very interesting.

When I arrived in Ankara, I thought it would be easy to adapt to the culture and religion, but I was wrong. There have been some challenges, but I can say that from those difficulties, some wonderful experiences have emerged. For example, visiting Lösev and learning about how they help children with cancer was truly inspiring. 

It was emotional to see how they provide opportunities for cancer patients and their families to travel and experience new things in life. So, from the tough moments have come good things—like a flower just starting to bloom. I know there are more experiences ahead for me in Turkey.

We also visited Hatay, which was affected by an earthquake last year. We went there to help collect mandarins for people in need after the disaster. That experience was fantastic; I felt fulfilled knowing that I helped someone without expecting anything in return. I believe that someday, someone will help me too. That has been my most memorable experience so far in Turkey.


Until next time, 


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